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  • Vaccine data for dates, doses and products (vaccine type) administered to EAVE-II studies
  • Cleaned file to remove duplicates and bad data (e.g. a 2nd vaccine within a day of a 1st vaccine)
  • The data also gives the dates of previous vaccines (and therefore the current dose number of the recorded dose) as well as if the dose was a booster vaccination or not
  • Additional flags are provided for information about cohorts the study was(is ?) in e.g. if they are shielding, a healthcare worker, or are shielding etc.
  • Notes:
  • If a study had a vaccine in a different country, this will be unknown
  • For deaths you still cannot use the cohorts in the vaccine file.


size 224007459
mtime 2022-08-15 09:35:57
ctime 2022-08-15 09:36:40
file cleaned_data/C19vaccine_dvprod_cleaned.rds
nrows 12955518


name type label examples description
vacc_occurence_time date Vaccine Occurence Time 2021-12-22, 2021-12-16, 2021-02-08, 2021-12-20, 2021-02-11 The date/time that the vaccine was administered. Note: see vacc_occurrence_date, as time is not currently saved in this file.
vacc_dose_number dbl Vaccine Dose Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 The total number of doses (including booster) the study has now received after this dose i.e. the dose number.
vacc_occurence_date date Vaccine Occurrence Date 2021-12-22, 2021-12-16, 2021-02-08, 2021-12-20, 2021-02-11 The date that the vaccine was administered.
vacc_product_name chr Vaccine Product Name Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine Pfizer, Covid-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine Moderna The name of the vaccine (Pfizer/AstraZeneca/Moderna) that was administered.
patient_sex chr Sex FEMALE, MALE Sex at birth, determined from the vaccine record.
patient_derived_post_code chr Postcode The postcode of the patient derived from the vaccine record (cannot be used!)
patient_derived_health_board_code_9 chr Health board areas S08000031, S08000024, S08000032, S08000020, S08000030 The code for the Health Board in which the patient is a resident of(?).
patient_derived_council_area_code_9 chr Local Authority S12000049, S12000036, S12000047, S12000050, S12000029 The code for the local authority the patient lives in (?) from the vaccine record
patient_derived_health_board_name chr Health Board Name NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Lothian, NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Grampian, NHS Tayside The name of the health board the patient is registered in (from the vaccine record)
patient_derived_council_area_name chr Council Area Name Glasgow City, City of Edinburgh, Fife, North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire The name of the council area the study is registered in (from the vaccine record).
age dbl Age 59, 60, 54, 64, 56 Age in years (from the vaccine record)
pub_age_group chr Age Group 40 to 49, 18 to 29, 30 to 39, 80 years of age and over, 55 to 59 The age group of the individual e.g. 40-49
mhra_age_group chr MHRA Age Group 50 to 59, 60 to 69, 70 to 79, 40 to 49, 18 to 29 The age group determined by MHRA
care_home_staff dbl Care Home Staff Flag 0, 1 A flag for if the study works in a care home or not (from the vaccine record)
frontline_hscw dbl Frontline Worker Flag 0, 1 Flag for if the study is a frontline healthcare worker (HCW)
care_home_resident dbl Care Home Resident Flag 0, 1 A flag for if the study is a care home resident at the time of vaccination. ! See ch_resident (?)
shielding dbl Shielding Flag 0, 1 A flag for if the study was shielding at the time of the vaccination.
ch_resident dbl Care Home Resident Flag (duplicate?) 0, 1 Seecare_home_resident
hcw_cohort dbl Health Care Worker Cohort Flag 0, 1 (?) Flag for if the study was in the health care workers cohort
scw_cohort dbl ?? (Social?) Care Worker? 0, 1 ???
underlying_cond dbl Flag for an underlying condition 0, 1 ?? the study has an underlying condition when the vaccine was administered?
unpaid_carers dbl Flag for unpaid Carers 0, 1 ?? The study was an upaid carer at time of the vaccine
cev_12_15_yrs dbl Flag for ?? 0 ???
cev_5_11_yrs dbl 0
severely_immuno_supp dbl Severely Immuno-suppressed Flag 0, 1 A flag for if the study is severly immuno-suppressed (see also immuno_supp)
immuno_supp dbl Immuno-suppressed Flag 0, 1 A flag for if the study is severly immuno-suppressed (see also severely_immuno_supp)
vacc_booster lgl Vaccine Booster Flag FALSE, TRUE A flag for if this vaccine dose is a booster dose or not. Reliable (?)
third_eligible_8wk dbl 1, 0 ?? Eligible for a third in 8 weeks ??
third_eligible_12wk dbl 1, 0 ?? Eligible for a third in 12 weeks??
third_eligible_24wk dbl 1, 0
third_eligible_any_cohort dbl 1, 0
fourth_eligible_8wk dbl 1, 0
fourth_eligible_12wk dbl 1, 0
fourth_eligible_24wk dbl 1, 0
fourth_eligible_any_cohort dbl 1, 0
fifth_eligible_8wk dbl 0, 1
fifth_eligible_12wk dbl 0, 1
fifth_eligible_24wk dbl 0, 1
fifth_eligible_any_cohort dbl 0, 1
first_dose date First Dose Date 2021-02-08, 2021-02-12, 2021-02-10, 2021-02-09, 2021-02-11 Date of the first vaccine dose administered
second_dose date Second Dose Date 2021-04-21, 2021-04-22, 2021-04-19, 2021-04-20 Date the study received their second vaccine dose.
third_dose date Third Dose Date 2021-12-21, 2021-12-20, 2021-12-22, 2021-12-18 Date the study received their third vaccine dose.
fourth_dose date Fourth Dose Date 2022-04-11, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-22, 2022-04-12 Date the study received their fourth vaccine dose.
fifth_dose date Fifth Dose Date Date the study received their fifth vaccine dose.
date_of_death dttm Date of Death Date of death - reliable?
leaver_flag dbl ?? 0, 1 ??
validchi chr Valid CHI Valid CHI CHI number is valid when linking these datesets (will always be 1?)
EAVE_LINKNO chr EAVE Study Identifier EAVE-II Identifier, pseudoynmised CHI numbers are used to create randomly assigned study index numbers.


  • Influenza


size 18465380
mtime 2022-08-15 06:21:42
ctime 2022-08-15 06:21:42
file /conf/EAVE/GPanalysis/data/cleaned_data//fluvaccine.rds
nrows 2168746


name type label examples description
Run_Date dttm Date of extract 2021-12-02 14:16:10, 2021-10-01 08:38:41, 2021-12-06 07:34:50, 2021-11-01 08:34:35, 2021-10-21 08:39:11 Date extract run
date_of_birth dttm
postcode chr Postcode of residence Postcode (if available)
occurrence_time dttm Date of vaccination 2021-11-09, 2021-11-04, 2021-11-03, 2021-10-20, 2021-11-06 Date of vaccination
type chr Vaccine type 36509011000001106, 38973211000001108, 27114211000001105 Vaccine type
stage int Dose number 1, 2 Dose number
batch chr Batch number 8556B1A, 8636B1A, 8636A1A, 3079171A, 8642A1A Batch number
site chr Injeciton site LUA, RUA, BN Injeciton site
method chr Method of delivery IM, NASAL Method of delivery
validchi chr Valid CHI
EAVE_LINKNO chr EAVE Link Number Randomly assigned study index number

Last update: August 25, 2022
Created: August 25, 2022
