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Whole Genomic Sequencing


  • Rapid sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 samples and bioinformatic analysis of genome data. This supports the identification of variants and mutants of concern and the detection and investigation of COVID-19 outbreaks and incidents.
  • Positive test from PCR test are sent for genomic sequencing to identify the genetic structure of the virus


size 10279575
mtime 2022-08-15 08:45:32
ctime 2022-08-15 08:45:32
file WGS_latest.rds
nrows 352158


name type label examples description
UniqID chr
SubLab chr Sub lab NHS:COV, GLA:REV, EDI:RVL, LAN:LAW, DEE:UNI Sub lab ID
query chr
SequenceID chr Sequence ID Number Sequence ID number
Collection_Date date Collection date 2022-03-07, 2022-03-14, 2022-03-02, 2022-03-09, 2022-02-15 Date sample collected
Sequencing_Date chr Sequencing date 05/03/2022, 10/03/2022, 29/03/2022, 26/02/2022 Date sample sequenced
Alignment_Date chr Alignment date 01/03/2022, 15/03/2022, 28/02/2022, 22/03/2022, 09/03/2022 The date the sequence is first available to PHS for analysis (used for sample tracking and calculating turn around times)
adm2 chr County of patient GLASGOW, EDINBURGH, NORTH LANARKSHIRE, FIFE, SOUTH LANARKSHIRE County level based on patient's outer postcode
HealthBoard chr NHS Health Board GC, LO, LN, GR, TY Name abbreviation of NHS Health Boards
VariantofInterest chr Variant of interest VOC-22JAN-01, V-21APR-02, VOC-21NOV-01, V-20DEC-01, Not assigned VOC/VUI whether VOC/VOI or not
VariantShorthand chr Variance shorthand BA.2, B.1.617.2, BA.1, VOC1, NA seems incomplete? - better to use lineage
VariantCalling chr Variant calling Confirmed, Probable, NA, Probable; Secondary change Based on the PHE VUI/VOC genomic definition, there are thresholds within number of mutation / deletions present within your sequence that match the profile. HR-LQG is high risk low quality.
ref_count chr Counts of reference bases 0, NA, 1 Counts of reference bases (not mutations)
alt_count chr Counts of mutations 3, 11, 9, 13, NA Counts of mutations (given that the mutation is an expected one within the VUI/VOC genomic profile)
other_count chr Other counts 0, 1, NA, 3, 2 Counts of bases that are not reference or expected mutations
Ambiguous chr Counts of ambiguous bases 0, 1, NA, 3, 2 Counts of bases which are ambiguous (typically due to low sequencing quality)
MOI_List chr K417N, L452R;A2529V, L452R, L452R;A222V;Y145H;A2529V
aa:S:E484K chr A, wt, amb
aa:S:G446V chr wt, S, amb, V
aa:S:N439k chr wt, amb, K
aa:S:K417N chr N, wt, amb, T
aa:S:E484Q chr A, wt, amb
aa:S:P251L chr wt, amb, L
aa:S:L452R chr wt, R, amb, Q
aa:S:A222V chr wt, V, amb
aa:S:Y145H chr wt, amb, H
aa:orf1ab:A2529V chr wt, V, amb
aa:S:L452W chr wt, R, amb, Q
aa:S:L452Q chr wt, R, amb, Q
aa:S:L452M chr wt, R, amb, Q
aa:orf10:L37F chr wt, -, F
aa:orf1ab:N4060S chr wt, amb
aa:orf1ab:S1221L chr wt, amb
lineage chr AY.4, BA.2, BA.1.1, B.1.1.7, BA.1
pangolin_version chr 4.1.2
ISO_Week dbl 9, 10, 12, 7, 8
validchi chr Valid CHI
EAVE_LINKNO chr EAVE Study Identifier EAVE-II Identifier, pseudoynmised CHI numbers are used to create randomly assigned study index numbers.

Last update: August 25, 2022
Created: August 25, 2022
