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🏥 Hospitalisations


  • The latest SMR01 extract
  • dated 06-06-2022
  • Indicates a hospitalisations of studies at different dates
  • Reasons for hospitalisations are given by ICD10 codes that can be looked up to find the reason (condition)


size 92128931
mtime 2022-06-06 12:38:44
ctime 2022-06-06 12:38:44
file smr01_2022_06_06.rds
nrows 6368507


name type label examples description
EAVE_LINKNO chr EAVE Study Identifier EAVE-II Identifier, pseudoynmised CHI numbers that were used to link this dataset
CIS_MARKER dbl 2, 3, 4, 1, 6
ADMISSION_DATE dttm Admission Date 2019-06-11, 2019-08-12, 2018-03-07, 2018-06-05, 2019-03-04 Date the study was admitted into hospital
DISCHARGE_DATE dttm Discharge Date 2019-06-18, 2019-03-04, 2019-08-12, 2019-08-30, 2020-01-17 Date the study was discharged from hospital
MAIN_CONDITION chr Main Condition H269, N390, U071, A419, J22X The reason the study was admitted into hospital (ICD10 code)
OTHER_CONDITION_1 chr Z511, N390, I10X, N179 Other reasons identified for hospital admission (ICD10 codes)
OTHER_CONDITION_2 chr I10X, E119, I489, Z511 Other reasons identified for hospital admission
OTHER_CONDITION_3 chr I10X, E119, I489, N179 Other reasons identified for hospital admission
OTHER_CONDITION_4 chr I10X, E119, I489, Z867 Other reasons identified for hospital admission
OTHER_CONDITION_5 chr I10X, E119, Z038, Z867 Other reasons identified for hospital admission

Last update: August 25, 2022
Created: August 25, 2022
