
Welcome to the EAVE-II data-dictionary! This page summarises the recommendations of the key datasets to be used for analysis. For each dataset (.rds files), meta-data details information about the files and the columns within. Additionally, examples of the formatting of the data in the columns is shown.

Dataset Description File(s)
Demographics Lookup file for studies within the EAVE-II cohort. This is the most up-to-date dataset that should be used to retrieve a study's Sex, Age, Health Board, Urban/Rural Classifier and SIMD (deprevation). Main Demographics:

~5.8 Million Records

Vaccinations Records of exposures to COVID-19 vaccines, that includes the dates, doses and vaccine product are given. Additional information such as flags for if the dose was a booster, if the study was shielding etc. are also provided. COVID-19:

~12 Million Records


~2.1 Million Records

QCovid Calculations of QCovid risks for the majority of EAVE-II studies. Individual risks, such asa flag that the study is risk of a severe outcome from COVID-19 due to Diabetes (`Q_DIAG_DIABETES_1`) are provided. Additional information such as a calculation of a study's BMI (`Q_BMI`) is provided QCOVID-2

~4.3 Million Records

Serology Measurements of IgG anti-SARs-CoV-2 spike proteins from individuals attending primary care and individuals who donated blood. Primary Care:

~67 Thousand Records

Blood Donors

~46 Thousand Records

Severe Cases Observations of severe outcomes and cases (+ve test and/or covid on death certificate). Includes outcomes such as admission to HDU or ICU as well as the number of days from test to admission Deaths and ICU/HDU admissions :

~330 Thousand Records

Hospitalisations Records taken directly from SMR01 of dates and reason(s) why studies were hospitalised - given by ICD10 codes for conditions. Reasons for hospital admissions :

~6.4 Million Records

Deaths Records of the dates and reasons why death occurred

~164 Thousand Records

Test Results From the Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW), testing results for COVID-19 mostly taken from NHS Digital (but also ECOSS and other sources) PCR Test Results :

~3.9 Million Records

LFT Positive Test Results :

~0.9 Million Records

S-Gene Testing :

~0.8 Million Records

Sequencing Whole Genomic Sequencing Results from testing data PCR Test Genomic Sequencing :

~350 Thousand Records

Prescribing Data Prescribing and Medicines Studies with any monoclonal antibodies (MABs) in their PIS (Prescribing Information System (PIS)) records :

~5.8 Million Records

Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines (HEPMA) therapies administered and prescribed:
HEPMA_mABsAVs_admin_ 2022-08-12 .rds
HEPMA_mABsAVs_prescr_ 2022-08-12 .rds

~10 (administered) and 5 (prescribed) Thousand Records

Last update: August 25, 2022
Created: August 25, 2022
